Meet the team in Myanmar

Thet's dedication to reproductive choice amidst conflict

Providing reproductive healthcare in Myanmar can be a daunting challenge. Amidst active conflict in the area, MSI teams continue to provide life-changing reproductive healthcare. Thet, a dedicated member of the MSI Myanmar team, knows this better than anyone 

Last year, Thet was promoted after his remarkable success as the Regional Coordinator for Shan State, managing outreach across five townships amidst conflict and uncertainty. 


But just as he was about to start his new role, the security situation in Lashio took a turn for the worse. Armed conflicts between the army and resistance forces escalated.  

Rather than joining his new post, Thet chose to stay in Lashio to lead local teams, ensuring that vital services continued in the conflict-affected communities. His deep understanding of the local geography and security exit routes proved crucial, guiding his teams through unpredictable and perilous situations.

Even after the situation stabilized and Thet moved to his new post, his commitment didn’t waver. He continues to support his former team, exemplifying true dedication to his work and colleagues. 


Thet’s bravery and unwavering commitment is truly inspiring in the fight for reproductive choice for all.