I choose choice by providing abortion

A message from Shanti - nurse, team leader and abortion provider for MSI Nepal.

I see women every day who are thinking about their futures – balancing careers, families, finances, and their dreams. They come to me seeking an abortion because they want the future that’s right for them. 


These are the lucky ones.  


For one, they live in Nepal—where abortion laws are liberal and the government supports it. For another, they have found MSI which means they’ll receive safe and quality abortion care.  


But not everyone is so lucky.  

Dangerous unauthorised abortion providers

Some women are lured by unauthorised “abortion providers”—like the one right across the street from our clinic. I was heartbroken to hear about a woman who recently died from heavy bleeding after visiting one of these places.  


Others, facing stigma and shame, take matters into their own hands, using unsafe methods to end their pregnancies. 


Even with our liberal laws in Nepal, the stigma surrounding abortion lurks, leaving devastation in its wake. 


Last year, a woman came to us after taking dodgy abortion pills from an unregistered supplier. I was able to provide her with the post-abortion care she desperately needed, and thankfully, she recovered.


If anyone can confidently say that abortion saves lives, it’s me, because I see this every day. And even if it isn’t a life-or-death situation, women should have choices to protect their own health and wellbeing.   

Creating safe spaces for compassionate care

When clients walk through the blue door in our clinics, we’re there for them. If we see a young person looking uneasy in the waiting room, we quickly take them to a private counselling space.  


We don’t ask if they’re married or probe into their reasons for seeking an abortion.


Instead, we assure them that their confidentiality and choices will be respected, and we simply provide them with the healthcare they need.  

Providing Respectful and Life-Saving Care

2023 was a challenging year across the world when it comes to abortion. The anti-choice movement’s noise seems to be growing louder. But when I look around, I see my brave colleagues who are as passionate as I am about making abortion available to those who want it. 


I’ve had the privilege of providing countless women with abortions, even one of my family members. Some women come and ask for me by name, some write to me, and some want to touch my feet out of respect.  


They respect me, and I respect them.  


And we should all respect abortion. 



