In just over 40 years MSI has grown from a single centre in central London, to a global network of more than 600 centres across 36 countries.

Our centres are conveniently located in places that are safe, easy to find and well served by public transport. The majority of centres are located in urban areas, and in some cases, they can be one of only a few providers of reproductive health services in the town, city or region. They offer a range of sexual and reproductive healthcare services and are the base for our outreach programs, call centres and medical teams.


In our centres, we offer a range of services, including contraception, sexual health screening and testing, and in some instances, safe abortion and post-abortion care.

MSI Ladies

MSI Ladies

MSI Ladies are qualified midwives and nurses from the local community, or simply committed women from other walks of life, who are trained and supported by MSI to provide contraceptive services and advice to women in their own homes. MSI Ladies provide discreet support, and are fully embedded in the communities they serve. They not only establish close relationships with their clients, but tailor their services to the unique needs of the local community.

Safe abortion and post-abortion care

In the countries where we are legally permitted to do so, we help women to safely end their pregnancies. By providing services to women when and where they need them, we can reduce the number of women that are forced to resort to unsafe abortions, risking their health and in some cases their life.

Safe abortion and post-abortion care
Urban clients
“I knew about the MSI clinic in my town and that they had a good reputation, but when I went to get the abortion I was so nervous and afraid. However, I had counselling with the MSI provider and she told me everything about procedure and gave me time to think about my decision. I chose to have the procedure and they put me at ease, telling me each step they would be doing. I feel very satisfied with the services.”
Meas, Cambodia