Keeping girls in school in Papua New Guinea

On the northern coast of Papua New Guinea, where the country’s highest mountain peaks and active volcanoes lie, lives Maria*. Like many young people in the country, Maria is unemployed. 


Maria got married and soon became pregnant. After the safe arrival of her baby, Maria met an MSI Lady: an MSI staff member stationed at the hospital to provide family planning information and services to local women.  

Life-changing options

For many women and girls like Maria, MSI Ladies are often their only touchpoint with the healthcare system due to the country’s challenging terrain. 


Until that moment, Maria had never heard about family planning options. The MSI Lady patiently explained the various contraception methods available to Maria, offering her a glimpse into a future where she could make informed choices about her reproductive health. 

The power to choose

Maria decided she would start using contraception to avoid or delay another pregnancy as it would support her ambition of returning to school after giving birth.


Maria decided to get an implant, a form of contraception that lasts for around three years. After receiving thorough information on the implant and insertion, she described the procedure as straightforward.


Afterward, Maria reflected on the importance of family planning. She believes it’s beneficial for women to have the ability to delay pregnancy to access education and reach their potential.  


Overcoming taboos to access opportunities

Family planning is usually taboo in Papua New Guinea, and Maria’s decision shows that with information and education, taboos are possible to overcome.  


In a country with limited opportunities for young people, completing high school and seeking further education could make all the difference in her life.   


Stories like Maria’s are common, and they highlight the high prevalence of adolescent pregnancies, as well as the impact of contraception at this critical juncture of a young woman’s life. 


Thanks to the support of people like you, young women like Maria are empowered to take control of their futures, enabling them to plan their lives and reach their full potential. 


*Names and images have been changed to protect privacy  

Adolescent girls in blue school uniforms outside a blue shelter with their hands raised.