To expand the provision of high-quality, affordable, and comprehensive SRH/FP information, services and products at the community level, MSI focused on strengthening the technical capacity and competencies of MSI Ladies through clinical training and monitoring of quality service provision.
Over the duration of the Empower project, MSI Ladies increased their confidence to provide quality SRH/FP services, and the quality of services and client satisfaction improved over time.
Across the region, MSI’s training (a mix of theory and practicum) and clinical supervision was rated as ‘quite good’ or ‘very good’ by 99% of MSI Ladies. In addition, it generated highly confident providers, with 98% of MSI Ladies feeling ‘quite confident’ or ‘very confident’ in their FP clinical skills.
Through MSI’s high-quality, practical training, and supportive supervision, MSI Ladies paid more attention to the needs of each individual client and cited a major area
for growth in understanding the value and quality of comprehensive counselling.
The four-year project (2018-2022) was funded by the Australia Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the Gender Equality Fund. The project was managed by MSI Reproductive Choices (MSI) and implemented through country program offices in Cambodia (MSIC), Myanmar (MSIM) and
Vietnam (MSIV)