Delivering reproductive choice to women and girls since 1976.

We are the Asia Pacific branch of MSI Reproductive Choices, based in Australia. As our name suggests, we are unapologetically pro-choice. We believe that everyone should have the freedom to determine their own future, on their terms. 

Our teams work across 37 countries and six continents, supporting over 80,000 women and girls to access reproductive healthcare — including abortion and contraception — every day.

With the help of our partners and donors around the world, we open doors, advocate for change, and strengthen public and private sector provision. We go further than anyone to make reproductive choice possible, and ensure quality reproductive healthcare is available for the long-term.

By supporting women and girls to make the choices that are right for them, we can make a huge impact within a generation — increasing gender equality, breaking cycles of poverty and contributing to several sustainable development goals.

We choose choice, because when we choose choice the whole world wins.


Our mission

Children by choice, not chance.

Our vision

By 2030, no abortion will be unsafe and everyone will have access to contraception. 

Our values

Mission-driven. Accountable. Client-centred. Courageous. Resilient. Inclusive. 

Our history

The MSI Reproductive Choices global partnership is built on the views of our founders Tim Black CBE, Jean Black and Phil Harvey, who believed that by providing high-quality, client-centred care they could support women to pursue the future of their choice – on their terms.  Since 1976, we have delivered sexual and reproductive healthcare services to over 183 million women. 


We currently see over 28,000 clients daily, and over 35 million people worldwide use a method of contraception provided by us. Last year, our global services prevented 14.6 million unintended pregnancies, 7.2 million unsafe abortions and 42,600 maternal deaths. But our work is far from over.   


We have been working in partnership with Australian-based donors to ensure access to quality, equitable sexual and reproductive health services in the Asia-Pacific region for over two decades.


In 2021, we changed our name to MSI Asia Pacific – a new name to represent the region where we are based and in line with MSI Reproductive Choices global partnership.

Merewyn Foran, Executive officer

Matthew Wilson, Programs Director

Josh Vansittart, Corporate Services Director

Emma Clark Gratton, Fundraising and Communications Director

Bonney Corbin, External Relations and Advocacy Director

Our team

We are part of a global network of 9,000 talented, dedicated and courageous people working across six continents. They are all passionately driven by our mission: to ensure every woman can have children by choice, not chance.

Our MSI Asia Pacific senior management team consists of:

Chair of the Board, Founding CEO of Marie Stopes International Australia, GAICD, PBAS, BCom(Hons)

“I believe that MSI’s socially innovative and courageous approach makes a genuine difference to the lives of women and their families. I hope to see a future where every single woman is able to take her reproductive rights and health for granted.”

Director, Integrated Care at North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network, Former Country Director of MSI Timor-Leste

“Sexual and reproductive health and rights are a key foundation for everything, a fundamental building block for everything we do. Whatever your sexual orientation, when you know your body and your rights you are protecting yourself and those around you. You make better decisions for yourself and others when you are equipped with the information you need.”

Adjunct Professor, School of Global, Urban & Social Studies, RMIT; Associate Professor, Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne

“MSI is an organisation that delivers. Using its growing international status to run programs that directly address the reproductive health needs of poor rural women and men, it does so without excessive bureaucracy and by placing committed people in the areas of greatest need.”

Operations Manager, Health Services GMHBA, MPH, BCom

Narelle Magee is an exemplary leader with over 20 years’ experience in the health sector and in professional services for organisations including cohealth, Nossal Institute for Global Health, MSI and Ernst & Young. She has expertise in implementing strategic initiatives, as well as organisational and governance standards and processes. Narelle currently manages the Health Services businesses at GMBHA. In addition to her work with MSI, she is also a board member for the not-for-profit organisation, One Girl Australia.


Rachel is a seasoned leader with experience across local government, domestic not-for-profit and foreign aid. Rachel is the former mayor of the City of Port Phillip and board member of several associations. She has extensive experience in corporate fundraising for the not-for-profit sector and is the current General Manager of the Neighbourhood Justice Centre.

Megan is responsible for leading MSI’s operations and strategic security in 32 countries in Africa and Asia and the portfolio management of the global and multi-county programmes. A passionate believer in social justice and women’s rights, she brings over 15 years of experience in designing and implementing complex service delivery and social marketing programmes across a wide variety of health areas, from safe abortion and contraception, to HIV prevention and treatment, tuberculosis, malaria and child survival. Her on the ground experience in Africa and Asia, and global headquarters gives her a multidimensional view on the complex challenges of introducing new products to market.

Renee Martin firmly believes that everyone should have the power to choose their own future on their own terms and that access to contraception and abortion is a fundamental underpinning of that belief. Renee currently serves as Head of Engagement at Sefa, one of Australia’s leading social finance organisations. In this role she contributes to the development of the impact investing ecosystem by supporting for-purpose organisations in accessing the capability support and capital needed to achieve their social impact potential and address structural disadvantage in Australia. Her diverse experience includes working in financial markets, assisting farmers in rural Cambodia, running and funding health programs in Asia, providing program and policy advice to the Federal Government, and delivering advisory services to clients in the health, education, and human services sectors both in Australia and internationally. Renee holds academic qualifications in business, international relations, and public health and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Our board

In Australia, we are registered as MSI Asia Pacific, a non-profit organisation with tax deductible status and an independent Board of Directors. For information on the global leadership team and board, please visit our global website. You can also read our Board Constitution.

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Please get in touch.